Bacula-Web source git repository is publicly available and kindly hosted by GitHub here
Guidance for developers
This section describe how you can contribute to Bacula-Web project development.
Usual workflow
Open a bug on GitHub issues (mandatory)
Create a new fork of the project into your GitHub account
Clone the forked master branch from your account git clone<account-name>/bacula-web.git
- create a branch from the master branch and give it a name that follow conventional commit guideline
feat/new-feature git checkout -b fix/fix-the-output
- Once you’re happy with your changes, make sure your code follow PSR-12 standard
To check coding standard vendor/bin/phpcs <path-to-changed-files>
To fix code if needed, run vendor/bin/phpcbf <path-to-changed-files>
do not create “huge” pull request, I do prefer as small as possible pull request
do not change the code indentation in your commit
I try to apply PSR-12 coding style standard, please sure your commit(s) uses the same standard
I take care of code indentation before each release and it’s easier for me to see the changes you’ve done
put useful comment in the code that explain what you’re trying to do
choose good name for variables
As I don’t want to waste your time, before changing any tool or library, make sure it’s compatible with Bacula-Web license (GPL v2). I’ve seen several people requesting a pull request but the tool license was not compatible with GPL, or even worst, not open source at all.
Thanks for your help.
Shall you have any questions, feel free to get back to me by mail.