Finalize your setup



Starting from version 8.0.0, users information are stored in SQLite database.

To be able to sign in into Bacula-Web, you’ll need to create the first user


The users database is stored in <install folder>/application/assets/protected/application.db

User creation

$ cd /var/www/html/bacula-web

On Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo -u www-data php bwc setupauth

On Red Hat, Fedora, etc.
$ sudo -u apache php bwc setupauth

Answer the questions, and if everything goes fine, you should be able to sign in


The user password must be at least 8 characters long

Reset user password

The password can be changed very easily by using the User settings menu at the top of the page.

Simply use Password management form to reset current user password


Manage users


You can manage users from the General settings dropdown menu.

To add more users, simply use the Add user form at the bottom of the page (password must be at least 6 characters long).


User’s email address is not used for the moment, but it will in a future version
